Glassdoor salary information is self reported and not verified therefore some salaries are likely not correct.
Glassdoor salary information.
Salary information comes from 226 data points collected directly from employees users and past and present job advertisements on indeed in the past 36 months.
Based on 2328 salaries.
Glassdoor has millions of jobs plus salary information company reviews and interview questions from people on the inside making it easy to find a job that s right for you.
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In fact details on salary compensation packages is the number one piece of information that glassdoor users want employers to provide when evaluating a job or employer.
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Glassdoor free company salaries bonuses and total pay for 1 409 000 companies.
The average salary for glassdoor employees is 109 312 per year.
Glassdoor site survey november 2019.
Based on 5605 salaries.
All posted anonymously by employees.
Salary estimates are based on 48 salaries submitted anonymously to glassdoor by information manager employees.
The national average salary for a information manager is 46 090 in united kingdom.